Friday, February 1, 2019

Website Layout and Content Updated FINALLY!

Time to celebrate! I finally finished the new layout! Check it out if you haven't already.

Now, I'm going to present the rest of the news in bullet format:

  • Top Priority: Working on a 7 track EP for Spinscythe right now. Nothing else will be worked on until this is finished. When it's finished, it'll be available online to stream for free and also sold for people who want the lossless, raw tracks (and to support the band 😃).
  • Working on comic scripts for Warz & Battlez (refreshed), The Monochrome Series, magic grapes, and Failed Miserably. Since I'm taking on 4 different strips here, don't expect anything to kick off anytime soon this year. I want to do it right, so I'll be starting with the scripts, then the artwork, and lastly the editing. Each series will be 50-60* comics per volume and will release once per week, on different days.

    * = Warz & Battlez itself is only be refreshed at the moment, meaning about 100 comics (most of them already released, some not) will be redone with new textures, new scripts, and better editing.
  • Working on a Spinscythe discord server. The fans will be able to join it and talk directly to me and Graye, as well as our close friends. There will be an update about it when it officially launches.
  • Don't tell me I'm taking on too much, but LUTA is also being worked on, albeit slowly. LUTA is more of a fun and relaxed project, focusing on video game covers and video game footage between Graye and me. As of right now, we're planning on releasing short clips of us playing games. The cover songs will come after the Spinscythe EP.
  • Expect more casual entries in the library. For now I have some old material up, and some stuff I wrote in college. If you know me closely and have some art you want to submit, contact me and show me what you got. Depending on what it is that you make, it may be better suited for my other blog.
That's about all I can think of for now. If anything new happens, you'll hear about it on this blog. Thanks for keeping up with and supporting Spinscythe!

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